Latitude |
This query will be sent to the PSA server:
| |
Longitude | ||
Server | ||
Default categories: |
Additional categories: | |
Filter |
Download: [parameters]
… where parameters can be zero or more of:
&output=json|csv|html | output defaults to json |
&categories=list | categories defaults to: +legend,+mapunit,+component,+horizon,+textureclass,+parentmaterial,+restrictions,-sacatalog,-pores,-structure,-canopycover,-cropyield,-monthlystats Use plus (+) to include a category and minus (-) to exclude it. The order doesn't matter, and commas are optional. The API will return all the plus (+) defaults unless they are explicitly excluded. You can also clear all defaults by including the word clear in the list. This is especially useful if you're interested in a single category, for example: categories=clear,+structure See the Data Dictionary below for what is included in each category. |
&filter=filter | A comma-separate list of filters based on Column Name. Example: &filter=hzname='A',comppct_r>20,month='August' |
&mukey=mukey1[,mukey2,…] | A comma-separated list of mukeys. (You can use mukeys in place of lat/lon.) Example: &mukey=2455277,289215,161545 |
&polygon=lon lat, lon lat, lon lat[,lon lat,…] | A comma-separated list of longitudes and latitudes. (You can use polygon in place of lat/lon.) Example: &polygon=-76.8301 38.9651,-76.8304 38.9653,-76.8308 38.9656,-76.8311 38.9656,-76.8301 38.9651 Note: If the polygon isn't closed, the API will close it for you. |
&component=major | Output major component only. |
&component=max | Output maximum component only. |